Fancy lavender-and-thyme encrusted cheese dukes it out with cheddar. Your mouth comes out the winner.
Throwback Thursday on Friday, because ha! ha! My blog, my rules! (Also because I took a nap last night and fell asleep and woke up this morning.) So yeah. Memories of Meals Past it is!
In this case, a memory of Tuesday night’s dinner. Or rather a dish I made Tuesday night, meant for Wednesday night dinner, but snacked on at midnight. Huh. I’m starting to sense a theme in my snacking.
At any rate, this is one of the easiest baked Mac and Cheese recipes that I know, and the DH really likes it so I make it once every month or two. I’ve fancied it up with some thyme and lavender encrusted hard cheese we had lying around. I tried to find the cheese name but it escapes me. Anyway, it’s a fancy cheese! Also not my favourite hard cheese, so I had no qualms about sacrificing it to a mac and cheese. And then I sprinkled about a half cup of cheddar cheese on the dish surface simply because I wanted a more golden top.
Yum-city! I ate the edges first because they’re my favourite bit, all golden, crusty, chewy baked cheese. I think it would be easy to add some buttered bread crumbs on top for a more classic baked mac and cheese, and I will say, make sure to reduce the amount of butter unless you want to go swimming. Or need to raise your cholesterol levels. But other than that, enjoy!
Next Post: The can of pumpkin puree on my counter is sending a bat-signal to me. So pumpkin it is! Gnocchi or cinnamon buns is still up for debate.
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