When I was growing up, I was a Girl Guide (known in the States as Girl Scouts) and we always sold cookies to raise funds for our activities. In Canada, the cookies came in two kinds: chocolate and vanilla. People would buy them buy the dozens and freeze them for future eating. Ha! Future eating. Pff. Like they lasted that long.
The Girl Guide cookies were made by Christie cookies ( of “Mr. Christie, you make goooood cookies!” and Oreos fame). From what I understand, at one point the contract expired, and the Girl Guides of Canada switched to making the thin mint version (chocolate cookie covered in chocolate) which are also good, but…just not as good, in my opinion. Interestingly, Christie put a few new versions of cookies on the market around the same time that they stopped producing the original cookies for the GGC, Golden Oreos being one (which to me, taste EXACTLY like the vanilla GG cookies I used to sell). Coincidence? Only Mr. Christie knows for sure! (And if you remember the ad that I’m referring to in the previous sentence, you’re probably old enough to remember the cookies, as I do. *grin*)
A few months ago, I made a chocolate torte, and I thought the crust would make a great cookie with a few tweaks. And I thought that my peppermint patty recipe might make for a great cookie filling. I put all these ideas down in my blog notes file on my computer and let it percolate for a few months. And finally…I put it together, and voila, Homemade Copycat Oreos! I made chocolate ones, vanilla ones, and mint ones, and covered some of them in chocolate and sprinkles. So yum!
Here’s my recipe:
For the cookies
- 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 ¾ cups flour
- 1/2 cup cocoa
- 2 eggs
Mix sugar and butter together and add in the eggs. Add in the flour and cocoa. Flatten onto parchment/wax paper and chill until firm. Cut out circles with a cookie cutter and bake on ungreased cookie sheet 325, 8-10 min., depending on your thickness. Cool and place on cookie rack.
For the filling
- 1 ½ c. icing sugar
- 5 tbsp. melted butter
- plus: 1 tbsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. vanilla extract for chocolate filling; 1 tsp. vanilla extract for vanilla filling; or 1/2 tsp. mint extract for mint filling
Mix the icing sugar and butter together until it forms a pliable dough. Divide into two: add cocoa and vanilla to one half in order to make the chocolate filling. Add vanilla extract to the other half in order to make the vanilla filling. If you want to make a mint version, make up some more filling and add mint extract to taste (I added 1/2 tsp. mint extract to half of the filling recipe). Roll the filling out between two pieces of parchment/wax paper, and cut out using the same size cookie cutter that you used for your cookies. Chill in the freezer until firm.
Putting it together
- chocolate melting wafers
Melt the chocolate wafers in a cup in the microwave, in 15 s. bursts, stirring between every burst. Take two of the cookies and a filling. Dab a drop of chocolate on the inside of each of the cookies, and sandwich the filling in between. Repeat for all cookies and fillings.
If you want to cover them in chocolate for copycat chocolate-dipped oreos, you can use the leftover melted chocolate to do so. I balanced a cookie sandwich on a fork covered with melted chocolate, and spooned chocolate over the cookie, then placed them on a wax paper covered cookie tray. I sprinkled themed sprinkles on top (chocolate sprinkles for chocolate filling, green sugar for mint filling) while the chocolate coating was still wet. Place in freezer until chocolate is set. Eat!
Note: the chocolate-covered cookies will melt with handling or summer heat, so keep in fridge unless eating.
These cookies are soooo yummy! And, what I like, they’re healthier than the store-bought version, because they’re free of preservatives. I mean, they ARE cookies, and have lots of sugar and butter and such, but hey, no preservatives! Which makes them healthy, right? Which means I can eat more, right? I think that’s a yes! *grin*
Next Post: Maybe a recipe from my mother-in-law, maybe some bubble eclairs from my bake-a-long group. Both are yummy!
Post-Edit Post-Script: In my on-going quest for foodie fame and (sure, why not) fortune, I’m taking part in Christie Jordan’s Meal Plan Monday post. Check it out, and hey, share this post! Much appreciated, y’all! <– look, she’s influenced me already! Also linking up at Full Plate Thursday! And now linking up at Meal Plan Monday – Cookie Edition!
What a great cookie, these will go fast at my house. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday. Come to next weeks Thanksgiving party on Tuesday at 8:00 am, CST, see you then!
Miz Helen