And…I’m baaaaaack! Did you miss me? There was radio silence (internet silence?) in my little part of the blogosphere for the past three weeks. Why? I was on vacation in South America! That’s right, I was soaking up the sun in sunny S.A.! The DH and I went to visit family in Venezuela and stopped by Curacao for a little while too. So much sun! So much fun. And so much family! (Also so many family recipes, so keep an eye out for those in the future.)
Today, however, I’m making a recipe from Dorie Greenspan’s Baking Chez Moi, as it’s time for my online bake-a-long group to write up our latest episode. This week’s recipe is Jammer Galette. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a pie crust filled with jam. Except that Dorie calls for us to put streusel on top. Doesn’t it sound yummy?
Me being me, of course I had to substitute something, so today’s substitution is the pie crust. I’m rather tired as I only got back from vacation a few days ago and am still catching up on chores and such, so I’m using a homemade pie crust that I had in the freezer. Close enough, yes? It’s more the idea of the recipe, isn’t it? No? Oh well. To each his own! (And I do like to substitute things! Life is too short to be staid.)
How to made it? Basically, you’re rolling out a circle of pie dough, spreading jam all over it (except for the outer edges, so that there’s a ring of plain pie crust around the outside), and then sprinkling streusel all over. I’m using a plum jam made by a friend of mine, from plums grown in her backyard last year.
Given that I pulled out the pie crust from my freezer, and it wasn’t an exact batch or even half a batch (maybe two-thirds? Ish?), when I followed Dorie’s recipe for the streusel, I ended up with a container of leftover streusel. This is not a problem! I envision lots of yummy berry streusel muffins in my future!
The pie-ish thingy, i.e. galette, i.e. French for pie and usually more of a rough shape, is baking in the oven and smelling super delicious. The DH is relaxing in his man-cave and occasionally popping his head out to see if the galette is ready. Which no, it is not.
I’m trying to eat a bit healthier lately (although, really, yoghurt and salad? Am I not healthy enough?) so I’ve been adding in fresh veggie juices to my diet as well as even more salad, and now I’m trying to cut down on my processed sugar intake. Which means this delicious dessert shall have to stretch to several evenings dessert, as opposed to my usual om-nom-nom-ing. I cut a small slice for the DH and he said (and I quote): “Why so small a piece?” Yes, I may have forgotten to let him know about my, er, our plan for healthier living. Ah well. Another small slice, perhaps? I think yes!
And can I just tell you, this dessert is rather nice! Nothing big and heavy, but just a nice delicate little dessert to nibble on with a post-prandial coffee. I thought it sounded a bit flat and unspectacular when I first read the recipe (yummy, but unspectacular), however this dessert is one that I’ll make again. Mmm…I do love dessert! This does not bode well for my healthy-eating plan. Kale salad for lunch it is! Le sigh.
Next Post: So many delicious things, I’ve got a backlog of recipes to share! Parmesan paprika potato wedges? More Dinner Roll Odyssey? Family recipes from South America? Oh, the options!
Welcome back! And yay for pie crust in the freezer! You definitely do need to make it again with the proper dough – it’s really amazing and lovely and light!
Thanks, Mardi! I’ll totally try Dorie’s version later on!
Using the pie crust was a great way to cut down on the sweetness of this dessert and homemade plum jam sounds delicious as a filling for it.
Your galette looks delicious with the the homemade jam from homegrown plums. I bet it was delicious. Your vacation sounds absolutely fabulous and sunny.
Thanks, Summer! It was delicious! And the vacay was indeed super sunny.
kale salad and a little galette–everything in moderation. looks delicious and welcome back from an amazing trip!
A little salad, a little galette — balance!
Absolutely lovely galette! Glad you enjoyed your vacation. It sounds like a lovely time.
Thanks, Kathy!
At some point, do try crust in the recipe for this – it’s more like a giant cookie than a tart and it’s so good! Yours looks great and I agree that sometimes it’s best to use what you’ve got on hand.
Thanks, Theresa! I totally plan to try it sometime soon — it was delicious as I made it, but I really want to try Dorie’s official version!
I hope you had a wonderful vacation. Share some photos. It is tough reacquainting to the kitchen again after vacation but kudos to you for jumping in. It is tough being part of a baking group and watching a sugar intake:)
Diane, you’ve totally encapsulated what I was feeling! It IS tough reacquainting to the kitchen again after a vacation, and it IS tough being part of a baking group while trying to watch my sugar intake. You read my mind!
It looks wonderful with your friend’s home made jam!